Calvera will supply a new green hydrogen refueling station for heavy vehicles in Madrid

The Calvera Industrial Group has signed a contract with HVR Energy to supply a new green hydrogen refueling station for heavy vehicles to be located in the Community of Madrid.

The contract, awarded by HVR Energy (independent green hydrogen producer), will consist of a hydrogen refueling station for heavy vehicles (HRS, Hydrogen Refueling Station, for its acronym), which includes hydrogen storage of up to 500 bars pressure, compression system and dispensers.

This station is part of a project to deploy fuel cell mobility solutions for heavy vehicles in a large area of ​​the urban area of ​​Madrid.

“This award continues to strengthen our position and commitment to play a key role in a rapidly growing area such as renewable hydrogen and clearly demonstrates Calvera’s ability to provide high-quality, competitive designs and products to this market”, says José Luis Fernandez Bris, CEO of the company.

The value of the contract, which has not been indicated, will be included in the company’s fourth quarter 2021 accounts. The Calvera work is expected to be completed during the last quarter of 2022.

Calvera is a global player in fields such as renewable hydrogen, natural gas-biogas and industrial gases, offering advanced solutions for companies and communities.

Grupo Calvera, based in Zaragoza, integrates all the processes for the design, manufacture and supply of compression, transport, storage and dispensing equipment for high-pressure compressed gases.

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