BIG HIT Project
CALVERA HYDROGEN is participating in the European BIG HIT project involving the production, storage and distribution of hydrogen for energy supply purposes.
As trustee of the Foundation for the Development for New Hydrogen Technologies of Aragon, CALVERA HYDROGEN is participating in one of the most important initiatives at European level, regarding the development of energy supply based on the production, storage and distribution of hydrogen: The BIG HIT project involves 12 partners from 6 countries over the next 5 years, with an investment of almost 11 million euros, and is the successor to the previous Surf ‘n’ Turf project.
It is the implementation of a fully integrated production, storage and transport model of hydrogen, that will be installed in the Scottish Orkney Islands. It is planned to be used for heating and power supply systems for two local schools, the harbour buildings and also to feed a fleet of 10 vehicles with fuel cells.
As an industrial partner of the initiative, our company will provide equipment and technical knowledge, which we have learned because of our experience of over 30 years in the manufacture of storage and transport systems for compressed gases, particularly high-pressure hydrogen.
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